The roof has been completed! We worked into the night on July 30th pouring all the concrete, and now it sits to dry for 15 days. Then we will move on to electrical installations, painting, and other such details. Fortunately, Mr. Caceres, our contractor, has offered to take care of all of the logistics with his own men. A huge weight off our shoulders. Rest assured that photos of the finished building are forthcoming.
Tutoring for the past semester ended in a dance party before the kids took off for vacations this month. Through contacts with an American school in Lima, Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt, we've secured a group of volunteers who will come out to the school once per week until December. However, we're still looking for volunteers to help one or two additional days per week from late August through December, so be sure to pass on the word to potentially interested parties.
Lastly, we've added a video page to the website. The main video is a short documentary, about 10 minutes, which outlines the volunteer program and provides some context for the project in Alto Peru. It was produced by a good friend of ours, Carlos Cardenas. He also produced a 2 minute video for the UVa students who helped paint the playground. On the last page we've posted a few short clips from around the school.
Check out the videos.
As always, we would love to hear any feedback; drop us a line at
David Goodman
Michael Quinzio
Jose Luis Incio